Code of Practice

Code of Practice

The FAMI-QS Code of Practice provides requirements for implementing measures necessary to ensure feed safety and quality of products manufactured by processes, as defined by FAMI-QS. The Code covers requirements on Good Manufacturing Practices, on the HACCP programme and suggestions on continuous improvements to the design, management of operations and risks with a goal of maintaining feed safety and quality.

The ultimate goal of this Code of Practice is to ensure feed safety by minimising unsafe practices and the risk of hazardous ingredients entering the food chain. Feed is considered unsafe for its intended use if it is likely to pose a risk to (has adverse effect on) human or animal health, or if the food derived from food-producing animals is unsafe for human consumption.


The Scope of FAMI-QS is Specialty Feed Ingredients. A specialty feed ingredient is defined as any intentionally added ingredient, not normally consumed as feed by itself, whether or not it has nutritional value, which affects the characteristics of feed or animals/animal products and animal performance.

Specialty feed ingredients can be obtained via the following production processes or a combination thereof:

  • Chemical ǀ The typical production process consists of a chemical reaction of organic and/or inorganic raw materials under defined conditions whereby organic and/or inorganic processing aids, steam, water, air and/or gas could be inserted into the process. After the synthesis the final product can be purified by for e.g., distillation/ crystallization/ filtration and dried.
    See the relevant Process Document for additional information.
  • Bioprocessing ǀ The process uses biological material or its components to obtain the desired product.  Bioprocessing is mainly based on upstream processes to produce biological material (cell culture, fermentation) and downstream processes which include recovery, separation/purification of the desired material/ intermediate products, and possible preservations steps such as drying/ freeze drying and formulation.
    See the relevant Process Document for additional information.
  • Mining ǀ Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth. Mineral processing is mainly based on various mechanical means of crushing, grinding, washing, precipitating, etc. that enable the separation of valuable minerals from the source.
    See the relevant Process Document for additional information.
  • Extraction ǀ Extraction mainly is executed either by aqueous solution or by using organic solvents, or by a combination of both. The distinctive characteristics of such production methods are the combination of a series of dissolution and precipitation steps, pH, temperature and moisture adjustments, in order to isolate the molecule from its organic matrix and further refine it to the desired properties. The down-stream process(es) usual comprises of the removal of the solvent agent, distillation, temperature treatment to inactivate potentially harmful substances, drying, granulation, formulating, sieving and packaging.
    See the relevant Process Document for additional information.
  • Mixing ǀ Dry or liquid mixtures of one or more specialty feed ingredients with or without a carrier. These mixtures are not intended for direct feeding to animals or can be combined with the daily ration and must perform specific, technological, sensory, zootechnical or other functions related to the specialty feed ingredients.
    See the relevant Process Document for additional information.

Specialty feed ingredients must be defined and labelled with clear directions of use, according to the applicable animal feed legislation of the intended market. The regulatory status of the products will be under the responsibility of the Operator. The Operator must ensure that the product is in conformance with all necessary legal requirements including:

  • being legally produced in the country of origin and
  • meeting the regulatory requirements of the country of destination

The Feed Chain Activities covered by FAMI-QS are the following:

  • Production – The processes and methods used to transform tangible inputs (raw materials, semi-finished goods) and intangible inputs (information, data) into goods. Resources are used in this process to create an output that is suitable for use or has exchange value.
  • Trade – The action of buying, handling, storage, transporting and selling goods and services.

The FAMI-QS Scope is described in detail in Chapter 2 of the Code of Practice.


A set of Process Documents are provided as add-ons to the FAMI-QS Code. These are auditable documents, established in line with Codex Alimentarius (including HACCP programme) principles, for each one of the processes described in the Scope.

The Process Documents are meant to check for specific risks per process and to provide information on how to deal with particular issues in a more detailed and practical way.


Running side by side with the FAMI-QS Code of Practice, a parallel and independent certification system described in the Rules for Operators and Rules for Certification Bodies has been developed by FAMI-QS.


In 2018, FAMI-QS carried out the challenging task to incorporate the requirements for Feed Fraud Prevention and Defence under its third-party certification system, by creating an additional mandatory add-on module for FAMI-QS Certification System Version 6. The module applies to trade and production.

The Feed Fraud Prevention and Defence module is not a stand-alone document and will be used exclusively in conjunction with the FAMI-QS Code of Practice Version 6.0. Implementing and adhering to the module is mandatory for all feed business organisations choosing to get certified against FAMI-QS Version 6.

The goal of the module is to ensure that FAMI-QS Certified Feed Business Operators will implement an auditable system that demonstrates their ability to manage and effectively mitigate the risk of feed fraud and terrorism.

For currently FAMI-QS Certified Organisations transitioning from FAMI-QS Version 5.1 to FAMI-QS Version 6.0, a three (3) year compliance period will be granted. FAMI-QS Certified Organisations can obtain a FAMI-QS Certificate under version 6.0 without the full implementation of the module.

Organisations shall present to the auditor a realistic action plan to meet the requirements of the module. The action plan timelines shall not exceed the three (3) years compliance period. End of the compliance period will be the 1st of September 2022. Failure to present an action plan will be treated as a major nonconformity.

As from September 1st 2022, FAMI-QS Certificates under Version 6.0 cannot be obtained without the implementation of the complete module.

Multisite organisations operating under a centralised FAMI-QS Management System shall ensure that all the sites listed on their centralised certificates are covered by the module.

Templates: For the implementation of the module, FAMI-QS has developed specific templates that the operators shall use. The templates will guide you through the process in order to develop your own vulnerability and fraud assessments. In addition, these templates will support and help in the standardisation of the auditing process.

For organisations that have not already developed a vulnerability and threat assessment, the use of the templates is mandatory. For those organisations that already have a vulnerability and threat assessment in place, they can continue to use their own templates, however, they have to ensure that the elements of the FAMI-QS templates have been incorporated in their own templates.



In order to maintain credibility of assessment results set by Certification Bodies (CBs) and assure a homogenous interpretation and application of FAMI-QS clauses, evidence that these goals are reached must be provided.

An integrity programme named ‘Surveillance Programme for Certification Bodies’ has been initiated by FAMI-QS. It is designed to build confidence and trust in the certification process among all the interested parties.

The surveillance programme intends to assess and improve the partner CBs’ work and responsibilities. It is not meant to re-assess the processes of a feed business operator or evaluate the performance of an individual auditor.

The main benefits may be the resulting harmonization and consistency in handling the application of the FAMI-QS Code of Practice.

FAMI-QS appreciates the cooperation and understanding of all Certification Bodies and feed business operators that, by accepting the presence of the surveyor during the audit and facilitating his/her performance, are contributing to the homogenous interpretation and application of the Code and Certification Rules and, ultimately, to the rising of the level of feed safety.